Our Cogito model of human freedom combines microscopic quantum randomness with macroscopic determinism. We imagine a Micro Mind with a randomly assembled Agenda of possible things to say or to do. These are drawn from our memory of past thoughts and actions, but randomly varied by unpredictable negations, associations of a part of one idea with a part or all of another, and by substitutions of words or images drawn from our recent experience.
The strong feeling that sometimes "we don't know what we think until we hear what we say" reflects our capability for original and creative thoughts, different from anything we have consciously learned. Something as simple as substituting a synonymous word, or more complex replacements with associated words (metonyms) or wild leaps of fancy (metaphor) all are examples of building unpredictable thoughts. Picturing ourselves doing something we have seen others do, from "monkey see, monkey do" childhood mimicry to adult imitations, is a source for action items on the Agenda, with the random element as simple as if and when.
Why do we want quantum uncertainty involved in the shaking together (co-agitare) of our agenda items? Can neuroscientists ever find an information structure for our agenda small enough to be susceptible to microscopic quantum phenomena? Admittedly our purpose is to break (in principle) the hold of macroscopic certainty and
determinism (of any kind). Thus we vitiate any claims to predictability.
If the Micro Mind is a random generator of frequently outlandish and absurd possibilities (think Freudian id), the complementary Macro Mind is a macroscopic structure so large that quantum effects are neglible. This is the critical apparatus (superego?) that makes predictable decisions based on our character and values. Thus we feel fully responsible for our choices, morally and legally.
Philosophers of Mind, whether hard determinist or compatibilist, should recognize this Macro Mind as everything they need to make a carefully reasoned choice. But now their choices include self-generated random possibilities that no agent could have predicted.
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