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Contents, vii
1. Introduction, 3
2. Chance, 11
3. Matter, 19
4. Light, 25
5. Statistical Mechanics, 39
6. Light Quantum Hypothesis, 47
7. Brownian Motion, 55
8. Specific Heat, 59
9. Wave-Particle Duality, 65
10. Bohr Atom, 71
11. Transition Probabilities, 79
12. Microscopic Irreversibility, 85
13. Nobel Prize and Experimental Confirmations, 93
14. De Broglie Pilot Waves, 97
15. Bose-Einstein Statistics, 101
16. Bohr-Kramers-Slater, 105
17. Matrix Mechanics, 109
18. Wave Mechanics, 117
19. Dirac's Principles, 121
20. Born-Einstein Statistical Interpretation, 153
21. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, 159
22. Bohr Complementarity, 165
23. Nonlocality, 171
24. Copenhagen Interpretation, 181
25. Von Neumann Measurement, 193
26. Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen, 203
27. Nonseparability, 207
28. Schrödinger’s Cat, 211
29. Entanglement, 221
30. Bohm Hidden Variables, 233
31. Everett’s Many Worlds, 239
32. Bell's Theorem, 249
33. Feynman Two-Slits, 263
34. Decoherence, 273
35. Einstein's Principles, 285
36. Einstein's Statistics, 291
37. Einstein's Continuum, 295
38. Einstein's Field Theory, 299
39. Einstein's Objective Reality, 305
40. Einstein's Quantum Theory, 311
41. Einstein's Cosmology, 327
42. Einstein's Mistakes, 333
43. Einstein and I-Phi, 339
43. Quantum Information, 339
Problems Solved?, 349
Bibliography, 393
Index, 401