I-Phi Animations
Animations for Information Philosophy
We have developed a small number of animations to explain concepts in physics that are better shown with motion animations than with still images, equations, or words, which have been the standard tools for teaching physics for centuries.
Over the years, we have used various 2-D animation tools from java applets, physlets, to simple animated gifs, Adobe Flash, and MP4 videos. With today's HTML5 Canvas capabilities, we hope to commission animations that will give all our illustrations a similar graphical look.
Two-Slit Experiment
Animated gif
Two-Slit Experiment in context
Wave-Function "Collapse"
Animated gif
Wave-Function Collapse in context
Animated gif
Entanglement in context
Entanglement with Conservation of Spin
Animated gif
Entanglement with Conservation in context
Entanglement Measurements at Different Distances
Animated gif
Different Distances in context
A Special Frame
Animated gif
Special Frame in context
Measurement Process
Animated gif
Measurement Process in context
Einstein Particle > Wave > Particle
Wave Particle in context
Dirac's Three Polarizers
Three Polarizers in context
Microscopic Irreversibility
Animated gif
Irreversibility in context
Probability Machine (Galton Board)
Probability Machine in context (Chapter 2 of Einstein book)
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